Om integrert behandling og relevante temaer
Forside > Integrert behandling > Fagartikler
Listene med utvalgte fagartikler oppdateres fortløpende.
Sist oppdatert 27.01.25
Integrated vs non-integrated treatment outcomes in dual diagnosis disorders: A systematic review (2023)
A Review of Integrated Care for Concurrent Disorders: Cost Effectiveness and Clinical Outcomes (2018)
Efficacy of integrated dual disorder treatment for dual disorder patients: A systematic literature review. [Dutch] (nederlandsk) (2018)
Treatment for outpatients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance use disorders: A review (2014)
Akutt, døgn (skjerming m.m.)
Bolig(-oppfølging) (inkludert UFB)
Møte mellom skadereduksjon og Housing First i Norge – ansattes beskrivelser (2018)
Integrating the integrated: Merging Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment (IDDT) with housing first (2017)
Housing First for Adults with Problematic Substance Use (2017)
Housing First, Consumer Choice, and Harm Reduction for Homeless Individuals With a Dual Diagnosis (2004)
Integrated Treatment for Dually Diagnosed Homeless Adults (1997)
Brukermedvirkning, samvalg, pasient/brukererfaringer
Endring, engasjement, stadiebasert behandling
Stages of change theory (2022)
Treatment engagement of individuals experiencing mental illness: review and update (2016)
Clinical interventions for severe mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorder (2004)
Stages of Change (2002)
Stages of change in the modification of problem behaviors (1992)
In search of how people change: Applications to addictive behaviors (1992)
Treatment of Patients With Psychiatric and Psychoactive Substance Abuse Disorders (1989)
An integrated treatment model for dual diagnosis of psychosis and addiction (1989)
Fysisk helse, medisinske problemstillinger
Fysisk aktivitet / terapi (natur, trening)
Helsehjelp i fengsel (inkl. ForFACT, Forensic ACT)
Illness Management and Recovery (IMR)
Implementering, fidelity, kapasitet, organisering av tjenester med mer
Adaptation in Delivering Integrated Care: The Tension Between Care and Evidence-Based Practice (2018)
What are the principles that underpin integrated care? (2014)
Integrert behandling av rus og psykiske lidelse i en sikkerhetspsykiatrisk avdeling: Evaluering av kvalitetsforbedringstiltak (Masteroppgave) (2012)
Adapting the integrated dual-disorder treatment model for addiction services (2010)
Fidelity and outcomes in six integrated dual disorders treatment programs (2011)
Fidelity outcomes in the national implementing evidence-based practices project (2007)
Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment: Fidelity and Implementation over Time (2017)
Integrated dual disorder treatment implementation in a large state sample (2017)
Implementation of integrated dual disorders treatment in eight California programs (2009)
Systematic implementation of integrated dual disorders treatment in the Netherlands (2009)
Evidence-based practice implementation strategies: Results of a qualitative study (2008)
Implementing evidence-based practices for people with severe mental illness (2003)
Implementing Dual Diagnosis Services for Clients With Severe Mental Illness (2001)
Organisering av tjenester
Kompetanseheving ((innhold i) opplæring, veiledning)
Toward a European Standard of Training in Addiction Medicine and Psychology (2024)
Conceptual Competence in Psychiatry: Recommendations for Education and Training (2020)
Dual diagnosis competencies: A systematic review of staff training literature (2018)
Critical Review of Dual Diagnosis Training for Mental Health Professionals (2016)
Kultursensitive forhold
The paradox of the biopsychological and sociocultural levels in post-traumatic stress disorder (2025)
Cultural considerations in the classification of mental disorders: why and how in ICD-11 (2020)
Systematic inclusion of culture-related information in ICD-11 (2019)
Culture and psychopathology (2016)
Cultural concepts in DSM-5 (2013)
Medborgerskap (citizenship, belonging)
Medikamentell behandling
Heroin-assistert behandling (HAB)
Miljøterapi (inkludert utforming av institusjoner)
Motiverende intervju / samtale
Motivational interviewing for substance use reduction (2023)
Cultural adaptations of motivational interviewing: A systematic review (2022)
Motivational Interviewing for Cannabis Use Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2021)
Motivational interviewing training of substance use treatment professionals: A systematic review (2019)
Enhancing motivation for change in problem drinking: a controlled comparison of two therapist styles (1993)
Motiverende intervju og kognitiv terapi
Nedsatt kognitiv funksjon, lærevansker (inkl. MID, BIF, PU)
Nytteverdi og effekt - integrert behandling
Oppsummeringer og internasjonale uttalelser
Primærhelsetjenester (inkl. fastlege)
Pårørende, familiearbeid
Do Family Interventions Improve Outcomes in Early Psychosis? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2017)
Professional views of supporting relatives of mental health clients with severe mental illness (2017)
Family interventions for schizophrenia and the psychoses: A review. (2016)
Psychoeducation for siblings of people with severe mental illness systematic review (2015)
Couple and family involvement in adult mental health treatment: A systematic review (2013)
The Pyramid of Family Care: A framework for family involvement with adult mental health services (2005)
Shame, blame, and contamination: A review of the impact of mental illness stigma on family members (2004)
Psykososiale intervensjoner (inkl. sosialt nettverk m.m.)
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care: A Perspective on the Past, Present, and Future (2021)
Personal recovery and socio-structural disadvantage: A critical conceptual review (2021)
First-person experiences of recovery in co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions (2017)
Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives (2014)
Life Is Not an “Outcome”: Reflections on Recovery as an Outcome and as a Process (2010)
Selvstendige (spesifikke) psykiske lidelser og samtidig ruslidelse
A 16‐year follow‐up of patients with serious mental illness and co‐occurring substance use disorder (2020)
Behandling av samtidig ruslidelse og (spesifikk) psykisk lidelse
Treatment of Co-occurring Anxiety Disorders and Substance Use Disorders (2015)
Treatment of co-occurring psychotic and substance use disorders (2013)
Rusmiddelbruk, avhengighet, rusbehandling
How the ICD-11 and the CDDR address the public health dimensions of substance use (2024)
Substance use and addictive disorders in DSM-5 and ICD-10 and the draft ICD-11 (2017)
The Classification of Substance Use Disorders: Historical, Contextual, and Conceptual Considerations (2016)
DSM-5 Criteria for Substance Use Disorders: Recommendations and Rationale (2014)